Friday, June 29, 2012

It’s not your mother’s school district

An interview with Superintendent Bob Vian

By Alannah Allbrett

Bob Vian, former Timberline Schools Principal, has taken the reins as Superintendent of Joint School District 171. It’s not your mother’s school district anymore. In a recent interview Vian shared some of the plans being implemented right now to change the way the school district performs.

With state budget cuts, staff cuts, and low SAT scores, things have been grim. Vian explained that that is prevalent now, throughout the state, and that other school districts were hit even harder. Horseshoe Bend got a 20% budget decrease and had to lay off a good portion of their staff. But budgets don’t determine destination; people do.

Vian thanked the people of Orofino for passing the school bond levy, saying it was crucial for this district. He says the formula for funding schools in Idaho is upside down. “We ask for money, and then decide how we’re going to spend it instead of asking for what we need.”

Vian said we no longer have the assurance of timber money (Rural School & Community Trust) to count on as schools did in the past. He stated that if the district does get any monies from that source, they are set aside as a “rainy day fund” and not part of the regular budget.

“We lost 45 students this year,” he said, “which is the equivalent of about three teaching positions.” That means that families are leaving the community, which downsizes both the budget, and how many teachers can be kept on the payrolls.

Vian said they had a choice to hire people for two years, which is better than not hiring them. In all, the district lost almost five full teaching positions. The jobs were lost through attrition, so no one had to be terminated. “A couple of teachers lost period (teaching time)” he said.

“With only four kids in the music program, it was hard to justify continuing that, so it had to be cut. A total of 19 aids, some full time and some part time, and some summer grounds maintenance was cut,” said Vian. Administrators went through each position, name by name, to see what the particular needs were. For example, one child may have required a male or female aid, and that was the determining factor on which aid was kept or let go.

With former superintendent Dale Durkee’s departure, Vian was put in the position of meeting with union members for the first time. He said he got to sit down with teachers who have not had a raise in pay in the past five years, so basically they had no incentive to increase their education which is expensive and time consuming.

Moving forward Pay incentive

The district wants to have teachers teaching dual-credit classes so that students may participate in earning college credits while still in high school – saving the students’ time and parents’ money. To do that, teachers’ credentials have to be adequate to teach at a college level.

Using the money freed up from not rehiring teachers, the board decided to give present teachers a one percent bonus. That translates to about $317 for beginning teachers and $500 to experienced teachers. Vian said it will cost the district about $36,000 for the bonus increases which works out to about 25 cents an hour per teacher. Those teachers who improve their education will get step increases. “Nobody should have to live five years without a pay raise,” said Vian. However, the district is not locked into pay raises.


An amount of $75,000, from salary savings, was put towards building maintenance. A new furnace, needed at Cavendish, will cost $20,000. Vian said expenditures like that eat right through the maintenance budget.

Wiring upgrades

Orofino Junior and Senior High Schools presently have four computer labs. Old-time wiring could not meet the needs of that many computers, however, causing frequent circuit breaker problems. Vian said the emphasis will be to get the computers we have working, rather than increasing the number of computer labs; $10,000 will be put toward upgrading electrical circuits at that school.

Extra curricular fee increases

The board voted to raise the fees for extra curricular activities. Athletic programs need to raise more of their own money if scholastic cuts have had to be made. Some coaching positions have had to be cut as the district cannot afford both varsity and junior varsity coaches.

Temporary housing

The temporary school structures at Orofino Elementary School will not be present when school begins. The buildings, which have housed students outside the permanent structure for years, were costly to heat and will be salvaged, with the exception of one building being placed at the bus barn area as a maintenance building.

New staff

Timberline Schools will get a new principal. Dan Holst, who has been working at an Indian Reservation in southeastern Montana, has been hired to fill that position. Holst was a former coach at the University of Montana which won two Big Sky Championships during his coaching tenure there.

Shelly Brooks, who has six years experience in Priest River and Kellogg, has been hired as the new principal at Orofino Elementary School.

Dr. Kerrie Raines, from Glenns Ferry, was hired as a new Special Education instructor, as Orofino has an inordinately high special needs requirement at present.

Seventh graders to move

The seventh grade classes will be moving to OHS to join the eighth graders already there. The walls will be painted, designating a junior high hallway. While there will be some necessary movement between areas, junior high students are intended to be segregated from the high school population as much as possible.

Food service

Mr. Vian said while he was principal at Timberline Schools the breakfast program went from 60 percent to 97 percent participation. He plans to use the same techniques used there to achieve a more efficient food service program in Orofino.

Vian explained that two sources pay for running the kitchens: the federal government pays for children below poverty level, and children who buy lunches pay for the other part. The income does not cover running the kitchen. It is subsidized approximately $30,000 to $40,000 per year.

“The cost to run it doesn’t get any higher,” said Vian. “The more kids that eat there, the more we get from the federal government. All our kids are entitled to a free breakfast,” said Vian.

Studies show students work better in school if they eat breakfast. Students in seventh through ninth grades will have a breakfast in the classroom rather than a cafeteria during the first 10 minutes of class. Students in 10th through 12th grades will get a “nutrition break” at about 9 a.m.

Scholastic testing

In annual progress scores, OES failed in a number of categories. The high school is scholastically disadvantaged in both math and special education areas. Vian said the state does not test in social studies, so emphasis will be placed on math, where testing is done. The district is not going to replace social studies teachers.

“We are going to help the kids who need help,” said Vian, “with two math periods a day. They will be doing homework with a math teacher. Any kids who do not put forth the required effort will lose an elective until they are motivated to pass the next test.”

Vian explained that there is very little incentive for kids to pass scholastic achievement tests. They click through them randomly, sometimes out of rebellion. “They are killing us on state tests,” he said.

On-grounds study time

A study time, detention style, will be held during lunch time for kids who slack in their work. They will be provided a sack lunch and get the opportunity to do school work during their aid supervised lunch time.

“Teachers should not be working harder than students,” said Vian. Vian served in a school in Klamath Falls, OR that, out of a population of 480 students, had a quarter of the students fail a class. The school was turned around from a sub-standard school to a school of excellence. Vian said parents came to him saying, “My kid’s never had a report card without a fail on it before.”

Curbing dropouts

The program will begin in the 7th and 8th grades, where Vian said dropouts begin. “Our goal is to make sure kids are on course and on track by the time they become juniors and seniors. By that time, they usually help themselves. Some of it has to be done by the kids,” he said.

Flipping the classrooms

Flipping the classroom changes the emphasis in how work is done. Students will concentrate on following video lessons at home to introduce a lesson and its concepts. They will do their homework in class, assisted by a teacher.

Kahn Academy is a company that has provided thousands of educational video learning programs (of 7-10 minute duration) for students, ranging from math to how the banking crises happened. The student watches the video, does some problems, then goes over it in the classroom where questions may be asked.

New laptops

The state has a three year roll-out program of providing laptop computers for student use. High school students will be provided a laptop, for which they are financially responsible and, as an incentive for taking good care of it, allowed to load their own music and pictures on it. Parents will be allowed to use it at home to help their children. Vian said he wasn’t a big fan of the program initially, but now sees its merits.

In a classroom setting, students will be given a school log-on. The teacher can freeze all laptops to address the class and can also see when the last time a student moved on to another problem. If a student skips class, they will not be allowed to log-on to their computer and will be sent to the library for additional work.

These laptops are not high line equipment but basic $400 computers which the state will purchase at volume discounts. Replacements will be available for damaged computers, but students must settle up the bill before being allowed to “take the walk” during graduation. Each student will sign a contract for responsibility for the unit.

The way students learn

It’s a different age. Students are already very computer and video savvy. “This will change the way schools look,” Vian said, “and the way kids learn. Kids learn differently today than we did and, through technology, we will have to change to keep up with the times,” said Vian.

“Unfortunately, some people want to do it the way they’ve always done it. You wouldn’t go to an optometrist or dentist who has not upgraded the way he has done things over the years,” said Vian, “and it’s malpractice to do it the old way.”

Vian wanted to get across the message that, “This is not a place of employment. We are paying you [the teachers] to see that they [the students] get it. Figure out what works. There is no reason OES should not be at least average in the state of Idaho. We are at 80 percent poverty in Timberline, but successful there,” he said.

Four day school week

Addressing the four-day school week Vian said that if teachers teach from “bell to bell” (a 56 minute class), with no wasted time, they achieve the same teaching time as a five day week. A four day week also avoids interruptions and allows for doctor and other appointments to be scheduled on the off day.

In addition, students will not be released early for athletics. Vian plans to curtail that. A lot of school time was missed busing kids to far away games, forcing teachers to re-teach what the student missed, or do nothing.

Workshops and techniques

Wayne Callender, of Partners for Learning (, will be coming to Orofino for coaching two weeks before school starts. The district has also spent $20,000 of federal money for teachers to attend a Teaching for Excellence (, conference in Pasco, WA.

Ten teachers and two administrators will be attending for five days. They began with sixth grade teachers, and worked their way down to select teachers. Educators will be taught the nature of learning and focus on a coaching style of teaching.

“We are going to be the place people visit to ‘see how they do that,” said Vian.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Unemployment up in North Central Idaho

Unemployment rates ticked up between April and May throughout north central Idaho, as they did in the state and nation. Every county in the region saw its unemployment rate increase in April and May.

Despite the increases, the unemployment rates for all the counties, except Latah, remained below their May 2011 rates. About half of the increase was the result of the weather, which remained cooler and rainier than normal, affecting logging, construction, and trucking. The other half was the result of service-providing companies affected by national economic conditions.

Clearwater County’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate jumped from 13.4 percent in April to 15.0 percent - the highest rate of Idaho’s 44 counties in May. The jump was related to the cold, rainy weather in May.

Logging activity remained curtailed in some areas by cool, wet weather, while normally spring break-up would be over by May. Despite the jump, the county’s rate remained below its rate of 16.3 percent in May 2011, when cold, rainy weather also was keeping a lot of loggers, truckers, and construction crews from working.

Nightforce Optics and Tri Pro Cedar Products have been the brightest spots in the county’s economy, adding more than 60 jobs between May 2011 and May 2012.

Idaho County’s unemployment rate increased from 9.9 percent in April to 10.5 percent in May largely because of weather conditions. That rate was significantly lower than the 11.6 percent in May 2011. Manufacturing, wholesale, health care, and retail all added jobs in the last year, while government and construction continued to lose jobs.

Latah County’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose from 6.6 percent in April to 7.4 percent in May. Latah County was the only county in north central Idaho, whose unemployment rate this May was higher than the year before. Its unemployment rate in May 2011 was 7.2 percent.

Logging and agricultural-related activity were below their normal May levels, contributing to the unemployment rate rise. Also contributing were the difficulties that college students were encountering in finding summer jobs or new graduates were encountering in starting their careers.

So, much of the increased unemployment in Latah County is the result of job weakness elsewhere that didn’t allow college students to go somewhere else for summer jobs or recent graduates to move elsewhere to start their careers.

In Latah County, sectors adding jobs, created about 260 more new jobs than sectors losing jobs destroyed between May 2011 and May 2012. Total nonfarm payroll jobs are estimated to have grown about two percent in Latah County.

Lewis County’s unemployment rate rose from 5.8 percent in April to 6.0 percent in May, as weather conditions dam-pened construction, logging, and agricultural activity. The county’s rate was slightly higher a year ago—7.1 percent in May 2011.

Nez Perce County’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose from 6.7 percent in April to 6.9 percent in May. Most of its increased unemployment was the result of job losses at service-providing companies that are tied to national markets. Its manufacturing sector—including ATK, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, and Howells–continued to add jobs between April and May.

Employment in most other sectors is generally remaining the same with a fairly even mix of businesses adding jobs and losing jobs. Of the 82 Nez Perce County employers that answered a monthly employment survey, 16 added jobs between April and May – a total of 95 jobs, while 57 did not change their employment levels and nine lost jobs – a total of 118 jobs.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Local woman serves in Guantanamo Bay

Jade Fitzwater, a 2009 graduate of Timberline High School, is now serving her country as a Security Specialist at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.

By Alannah Allbrett

When I think of Guantanamo Bay, like many people, I instantly get images of Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson yelling at each other in the movie A Few Good Men. Most Americans only know bits they read about it in the paper or hear on the news. Few of us will ever have firsthand knowledge.

Jade Fitzwater, a 2009 graduate of Timberline High School, has had exactly that – firsthand experience living at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. She has had many unique experiences stemming from her choice to serve in the U.S. Navy. Jade grew up in the small town of Pierce, where her family lives still. She knew she wanted to go to college, but she did not want to graduate with huge student loan debts.

Originally, Jade thought she would go to WSU to earn her degree. Joining the military wasn’t top on her list, but she contacted the recruiters in Lewiston to find out what they had to say. They visited her at Timberline High and explained all of the benefits and options available to her. Jade said they were very thorough and helpful – explaining how she would be eligible for free medical, free college, a steady paycheck, and get to travel the world. Joining the military was also the last thing everyone else thought she would do, but Jade decided it was exactly right for her.

While awaiting her date to ship out to basic training, Jade worked as a CNA at the Royal Plaza, an assisted living center in Lewiston. That intimidating and challenging day finally arrived, however in February of 2010. She spent two “long months” in basic training – the stuff movies are made of, before starting her A-School – specific job training for her career in the Navy. By the time she finished her schooling in Meridian, Mississippi, she was an honor graduate, eligible for an Accelerated Advancement Program. After six to 12 months at her first command post, she was eligible for promotion to an E-4 rank.

Jade was sent to her first duty station in Fort Meade, Maryland where she gained further experience and was nominated for Junior Sailor of the Quarter. She won runner-up position and advanced to E-4 rank.

After about a year, she knew she was ready for a new challenge and volunteered for individual deployment. Her chain of command informed her that a billet opened up which they thought she consider; the assignment was for GTMO, or GIT-MO as it’s called in the vernacular, Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, Cuba.

Jade calls GTMO “a once in a lifetime opportunity.” She said it’s an honor to be a part of the mission there and all that it stands for. “It’s kind of crazy to think that, in a way, we’re making history.” Jade is part of the Joint Task Force (JTF) whose responsibility it is to conduct safe, humane, legal, and transparent care and custody of detainees, including those ordered released by a court. The JTF collects, analyzes, and disseminates intelligence for the protection of detainees and personnel working in JTF Guantanamo facilities, in support of the War on Terror. The JTF is charged with planning for and, on- order response to the Caribbean mass migration operations.

As Junior Trooper, Jade has been selected by her chain of command to represent the department and what they do. She was chosen out of all E-4 and below personnel to represent the JTF.

Jade has not served any sea duty yet, but when her current assignment is over, she is up for sea duty orders. Given her current assignment and security clearance, it is likely, she said, to go to another intelligence command. Working with the cryptologic intelligence community, she is already familiar with that type of command. Where she is sent, ultimately depends upon the duty needs of the Navy. She hopes to get to go overseas to Japan, Bahrain, or Italy. Right now, however, she enjoys the mission and her place in it.

Since being in the Navy, Jade has only made it home to Pierce three times. She admits to missing “the small town vibe” sometimes, but says, “I know when I go home, everything will be the same. More than likely, the same people are going to be there, and the town isn’t going to change. Yes, I miss my family, and yes it’s hard to be away at times, but I know that not everybody can do what I do. I know that in the end this was my decision.”

When asked if her future holds re-enlistment, Jade said, “My contract of active duty expires February 2015. Depending upon where I’m at in my career, that will determine whether I re-enlist or not.” If she does leave the Navy, after this tour of duty, she has definite plans to continue with college and hopefully work for the government in another capacity.

Contractors at Guatanamo Bay recently painted ‘Honor Bound’ at the Naval Base. The task force’s full motto is ‘Honor Bound to Defend Freedom.’

Startling display of vintage vehicles creates excitement

MAGNIFICENT VEHICLES-A 1913 Stevens Duryea (left) is proudly parked in the Helgeson Hotel parking lot alongside a 1914 Cadillac from Illinois. The Stevens Duryea has a Michigan license plate and bears an emblem stating this car was manufactured by Stevens Duryea in Chicopee Falls, Mass and was the 1989 National First Prize Winner. 

By Cloann McNall

It was an eye-catching treat for Orofino residents Monday when 16 beautiful antique cars showed up in town and were parked overnight at the Helgeson Hotel parking lot.

The cars were built between 1910 and 1914. With the exception of a 1938 convertible Packard, the most recent join.

A 1910 Packard was the oldest vintage vehicle on display

Other vehicles were a 1911 Stanley Steamer, two 1913 Stevens-Duryeas, a 1914 Cadillac, and a second 1910 Packard.

Also two Locomobiles, a 1914 Rolls Royce, Model T Ford, 1913 Havers, 1910 Marmon and a 1913 Peerless. There was a second Rolls Royce, year was unavailable.

License plates showed the vintage vehicles (mostly touring cars) as being registered in Michigan, Illinois, Georgia, Vermont, Indiana, New Hampshire, Utah, California and Washington.

The vehicles are individually owned and are part of the Red Rock Rendezvous touring the northwest for 10 days in June.

The tour group left Missoula, MT Monday and will eventually end up back in Missoula.

A spokesperson said this is the thirteenth tour for the group.

“Simple procedure” gives life, says Abby Johnson

Abby Johnson
By Alannah Allbrett
Abby Johnson, a young Clarkston woman of 26, went to play basketball in Azusa, California with her teammates in 2007. Members of the team were asked to register as bone marrow donors in honor of the daughter of a league coach who died of leukemia.

Abby said that several members of her team registered with Be The Match (BTM), part of the National Marrow Donor Organization. BTM co-ordinates bone marrow donations for cancer patients around the world.

The initial step, to determine if one is a potential donor, is to get a cheek swab test; Abby completed the test while still in Azusa. The organization enters one’s name into a registry for their lifetime. There is only a one in a million chance of being a close enough match to provide bone marrow for someone else, however.

BTM has regional representatives that contact a person if it is determined they might be a match. Abby was contacted for further testing to see if she were a match for a 26 year old male in Europe. Names of participants are held confidential. And, due to the regulations in the country this man lives in, Abby will never learn his name. She will remain an anonymous donor.

The program is completely voluntary, and Abby was asked if she wanted to take the next step of having blood samples drawn. She agreed and went to St. Joseph Regional Medical Center in Lewiston to have blood work done.

Abby was told that she was a match, but that the patient was not yet ready to receive her bone marrow. Abby believes doctors submit a patient’s information, in advance of needing the treatment. In the event that the patient does need bone marrow, a donor may be found in time.

It was almost a year, since Abby began the process, that she heard the patient was ready for a transplant. She flew to Denver, Colorado to complete it.

Typically, there are two types of procedures for collecting bone marrow. It may be drawn from a donor’s hip, as is often seen in movies or television. But a newer, simpler technique was used on Abby called aphresis.

To prepare her body to donate the bone marrow, she was given injections of a medicine called filgrastim that would make her body produce more bone marrow stem cells. The injections took place once a day, for five days.

When the donor is ready, doctors draw blood from one arm, which is processed then by a machine that separates platelets, bone marrow stem cells, and white blood cells. The remaining blood is returned to the donor into their other arm.

Normally, this procedure takes about four to five hours. The patient, to whom the donation was going however, was a man twice Abby’s body weight, so Abby had to have the procedure repeated for another two hours the following day.

When asked if she was scared before having the procedure, Abby said “No,” but that she was a little nervous about it. She had to undergo several physicals to make sure she was healthy enough for the process and that her body could handle it.

Overall, Abby said it was a very worthwhile and that she is glad she became a donor. Abby will only hear about the patient’s results after six months have passed, and then she will hear another report in one year’s time.

“It’s a pretty simple procedure for what it does,” said Abby. “If I were in that position, I would like someone to step-up to do what I did.”

For people interested in becoming bone marrow donors to save another life, they may find information at the National Marrow Donor’s website: Abby Johnson is a basketball coach at Asotin High School who is working on her teaching credentials. She is the daughter of Kathy and Guy Johnson of Clarkston, owners of Guy’s Outdoor Equipment.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Boy Scouts awarded Eagle rank

Boy Scout Troop 536 members Karle Vaage, Alex Kuykendall, and Hayden George (l to r) were recently awarded the rank of Eagle.

Boy Scout Troop 536 members Karl Vaage, Alex Kuykendall, and Hayden George were awarded the rank of Eagle in a ceremony at the Lodge at River’s Edge on June 4. The Eagle rank is scouting’s highest honor, and the award represents the culmination of a decade of hard work, community service and outdoor adventure. Over 140 friends, families and supporters of the troop attended the banquet.

Eagle Scouts Steven Elsbury, Dan Korbel, Ben Palmer, and Dan Elsbury presided over the celebration. Scoutmaster John Elsbury, via video from his hospital room in Boise, summarized the boys’ scouting careers and presented them as Eagle candidates. Scoutmaster John Chatfield handled in person duties, with assistance from District Director Marlene Schaefer and the Reverend Stan Satre. VFW Post 3296 of Orofino provided the honor guard.

For his Eagle project, Karl located, mapped, and along with the help of his troop, marked and rehabilitated the Quarry Trail for the Corps of Engineers at Dworshak Reservoir. Karl is the son of Becky and John Vaage, and he will attend Pacific Lutheran University this fall.

Alex’s project involved locating, mapping and documenting sites at the Peck Cemetery. He is the son of Chris St. Germaine and Leroy Kuykendall. Alex has enlisted is the United States Army, and as part of the Eagle ceremony, he was advanced to the rank of Private First Class.

Hayden’s Eagle project was the construction and rehabilitation of picnic tables for Idaho Fish and Game at the Campbell’s Pond campground. Hayden is the son of Michelle and Brad George, and he will attend the University of Idaho this fall.

All three boys wish to express their sincere thanks to the local community for its support of the troop and their efforts over the years.

Friday, June 1, 2012

New thrift store in Orofino helps the Discovery Children’s Center

 Rachel O’Brien is pictured under the custom sign for The Phoenix, designed by herself and made by Julie Kessinger. The Phoenix, located at 201 College Avenue, is a consignment and thrift store that will help support the Discovery Children’s’ Center, a non-profit organization run by A to Z Family Services.

By Alannah Allbrett

You may have driven by the corner of Main Street and College Avenue and noticed a lot of activity there. Rachel O’Brien has opened a new thrift store at 201 College Avenue (where Second Chance Animal, Inc. used to be).

The new store, known as The Phoenix, is owned and operated by Rachel, a 2008 graduate of Orofino High School who is enthusiastic about the new project. Rachel designed the phoenix logo displayed on an attractive wooden sign, above the door, a sign created by Julie Kessinger.

The Phoenix held its grand opening Saturday, May 19, with a brisk and steady turn-out of customers and well wishers. Rachel said she welcomes volunteer workers. She is grateful for help from her mother, Cindy O’Brien, and Margo Cowger in helping to get the project underway.

The Phoenix is both a thrift store and a consignment store. A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit the Discovery Children’s’ Center, a non-profit program for kids, operated at A to Z Family Services. The Phoenix will provide a tax deductible receipt, upon request, for donations.

Customers, who wish to put items for sale on consignment, are encouraged to bring Jr’s sized clothing and motorcycle gear.

Hours of operation are: Tuesday – Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Mystery Dinner Theater to open up sale of tickets

The High Country Inn’s Sunken Garden is where the second Mystery Dinner Theater will be held in July.

The date for the second Mystery Dinner Theater to benefit the Clearwater Memorial Public Library is just around the corner, (July 12-15) and the kick-off for sales of tickets will be June 11.

In the next two weeks, sponsored tables are being solicited, and those who are interested in sponsoring a table, and who have not received a letter, are asked to contact Jo Moore, chairperson of the event, at 476-7570. The cost of sponsoring a table is $100, this part is tax-deductible,) plus the cost of tickets to the dinner and play, which is $75 a couple, or $40 per person.

Table sponsor responses must be in by June 8, and then tickets for the public will be on sale beginning Monday, June 11, at the library located at 402 Michigan Avenue in Orofino. Ticket purchasers will choose which night their tickets are for, from Thursday, July 12, through Sunday, July 15, on a first come, first serve basis. A limited number of tables and tickets are available for each of the four nights. Each night’s event will begin in the Sunken Garden of the High Country Inn at 5:30 p.m. with a no-host bar and snacks, and dinner and the play will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m.

A Great Cast

A great cast is already working on the play, entitled “Fatal Football Fever,” including Jeannie Hood, Kenda Tribble, Eric and Lynn MacEachern, Clayton Tyler, Pat Larson and Will Wiese. Director Tauna Tyler and her assistant, Karen Loranger, are excited to be working with such a talented crew.

The play, which of course includes a murder, revolves around a shyster’s attempt to promote the organization of a pro football team in Orofino. Knowing this cast, a lot of local humor will be inserted in the dialogue! The performance will be presented around the guests, who will be seated in the Sunken Garden of the High Country Inn. A “tailgater” Texas-style barbeque dinner, cooked by Jo Moore, will be served, with help from several other CMPL Friends, between acts of the play.

Raffle Prizes

The football them will be carried out with a tribute to the Idaho Vandals, using the colors of silver and gold, and one of the raffle prizes to be awarded the last night of the play will be a football autographed by Coach Akey of the Vandals, along with a set of four reserved tickets to the fall Homecoming Game in Moscow, and sideline passes as we.

Other raffle prizes include:

A suite for 12 guests at an Idaho Steelheads Ice Hockey game in Boise with a deluxe king room in the adjoining elite Grove Hotel for the winner.

A set of hand-thrown earthenware by Bernie DeLallo including a platter, pasta bowl, and three graduated mixing or serving bowls.

A deluxe overnight package with dinner for two, lodging, and breakfast at the High Country Inn.

Raffle tickets will be sold at the library all during June up until the performance of the play, and are $5 each or a set of 6 for $25.


Proceeds from this 4-day event will be used to buy a new copy machine for the library, as well as any other items on the “List” compiled by Library Director Ellen Tomlinson.

The goal of the CMPL Friends is to raise at least $5,000, which would surpass last year’s net of $4,000. “Every bit helps us with our programs for the community, and we are so grateful for all the work that the CMPL Friends put in for the library needs,” stated Tomlinson.

Work of CMPL Friends

The CMPL Friends is a group of local residents who are dedicated to promote the welfare of the community library, and they work year-round with their projects.

A main project is their Book Sales, which are held twice a year, along with this major event to take place in July. Other projects include all the landscaping around the library, headed by Bernie DeLallo, and the purchase of any new items which they can afford.

One new addition is the wooden bench placed on the front lawn this past year. New members are always welcome, for information about joining inquire on your next visit to the library, which is much more than just books!