Thursday, February 3, 2011

Responses to "A Message from Mayor Smathers"

Dear Editor,

A double standard exists between what is said and what is promoted in Orofino. In last week’s Clearwater Tribune there were articles and advertisements against underage drinking and drug abuse. Our Mayor had a message that spoke of a "Community Problem" about alcohol and prescription drug abuse in our school. I agree with him, there is a problem.

Why then, is the main visible activity of the Orofino Chamber of Commerce a Beer Wagon/Garden. This vehicle, and associated seating, is set up whenever a major event is happening in Orofino. This seems to be at odds with what this or any organization should be promoting in our city.

Thank you.
Steve and Jo McGill
Dear Editor:

I would like to express my appreciation to Mayor Smathers for his statement in last week’s paper. He is right that the drug and alcohol problem is a community problem and will require the community to solve it. His statement appealed to adults in this community to cease activities that compound the problem. The flip side of this is that young people need to be given a vision that will help them focus on their future. I would like to refer you to the JK Albertson Foundation website, and their Go On Challenge, which outlines a community role in the success of students.

This Saturday, Feb. 5, at the school board will be holding a meeting at the Orofino High School library. This is a work session, not a decision making session. Because of proposed changes in educational funding at the state level and also local school issues, we need the help of the patrons to plan for the future of our schools. Parents, I urge you to get involved even if your children are too young to attend school. Decisions based on these discussions will be long term.

There are many community groups and agencies that are working to better our community and support our youth. We have some wonderful staff members in our schools that are going the extra mile to support our students in their endeavors. They are an important part of finding solutions. It would be wonderful if they would each send a representative to this meeting to give input.

Some people feel that if they do not have school age children, school issues do not affect them. As taxpayers and residents these issues do affect you. If we fail to produce students who can be successful in life, the taxpayer and the community will bear the burden. Likewise; although it is easy to place blame on the students, the parents, the schools, the internet, the economy, the state government, the federal government etc. The solutions have to come from local participation by the community. Please take the time to attend this very important meeting. Thank you.
Alyce Arnsberg

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